Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica ) ride out high surf on blue-ice icebergs near Candlemas Island in the South
Sandwich Islands . Safe for the moment from predaceous leopard seals, chinstrap penguins are the second most
abundant species in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic
A deep gorge drops some 650 feet (198 meters) near the abandoned city of Araden , Crete . Visitors can descend into
the gorge and walk a little more than 4 miles ( 6.4 kilometers) to the Mediterranean Sea . In addition to magnificent
scenery, the gorge provides a 2,460-foot (750-meter) descent to the sea.
A storm passes over Yellow Mounds Overlook in South Dakota 's Badlands , casting light and shadow below. Although
the region's name derives from the Oglala Sioux words mako sica or "land bad," the Badlands showcase the powerful
effects of wind and water and contain fossil beds dating to 35 million years ago
Towering in close symmetry, these basalt columns near Fingal's Cave form the base of the Scottish island
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