Friend: Happy birthday!
She : Haan...tha......nk yo....u...was just getting up from the bed.
Friend : Oh! That means I am the first to wish you!
She : Naa! He has already wished me at 12 in the night.
Friend : Who???
She : Come on, who else, Nitin.
Friend : Oh, ok. So, what's the plan for today?
She : Nitin told me that he has a surprise gift for me for my Birthday. And
also we are going to Flower Show today. I am excited! I have never seen the
flower show that happens in Lal Baug. Actually that itself is the most
wonderful gift for me.
Friend : "Did you go to Palace grounds all the way from Basavanagudi, to
see Bryan Adam's show!!! Who accompanied you?"
She : Nitin
Friend : By the way, who referred your CV in SoCrates? I mean you don't
know anyone there, right?
She : No, he forwarded my CV to one of his friends there.
Friend : I heard that the HR round interview went on till 8pm in the night.
I think you faced difficulty in returning to your room.
She : No, he had come to pick me up. He came from his office, dropped me to
my room and he returned to his room at around 11pm. He didn't have dinner
also. I asked him to have at my room. Poor Nitin.
Friend : If you are supposed to go home tomorrow itself then what about
She : I have told him, he will go to Majestic and would get it done, and he
told he has some work in Majestic. That's why I am relaxed a bit.
Friend : How was your written test in Philips?
She : I failed yaar. The day before the test I had prepared perfectly.
Nitin had come to our room. He taught me the basics of embedded programming
concepts. I was very confident only because of him. But something else was
in store for me.
Friend : Then, what did you do on Sunday?
She : We had gone to see "Lakshya". He doesn't see Hindi movies. But as I
was upset after failing in the Philips written test, he took me for movie.
I was very happy and surprised that he himself decided for a Hindi movie,
and he was very happy that I enjoyed the movie. And you know; we had dinner
in Pizza hut. It was his belated B'day treat!
Friend : And, what was your belated gift ;-)
She : Gift!! I had given the gift on his B'day itself. I was the first to
call him at 12 in the night, he was busy throughout the day, and somehow we
could meet in the evening and I gifted him with a cute time piece with a
nice quote on it. He doesn't have time sense, so my time piece must always
remind him of this. That day he didn't give me any treat as he had to go
back to office. Yesterday I had a fight over this, you know! Poor kid.
Friend : Hello...what about our sari shopping program in Malleshwaram?
She : Listen, I will call you later.
Friend : You didn't call me back in the morning, so I called now.
She : Yeah, when you called I was in Koramangala, with Nitin. He was very
upset in the morning. He had a fight with his elder brother. So, it
wouldn't have been fair on my part to leave him alone. If I am with him in
such situation very soon he comes back to normalcy. So I postponed the
Malleshwaram program.
Friend : Hey! What happened? You seem to be very happy today.
She : Why not? You know today is one of the most happiest days for me.
Nitin got an onsite assignment in UK, for 6 months! That's why I am very
happy. All of his hard work paid today. He had been waiting for this
opportunity since long. He'll be leaving next month.
Friend : You will miss him.
She : Badly. I am so much dependent on him. I must thank Sanju, through him
only I got to know Nitin. Without Nitin it would have been very difficult
for me to stay in this alien city with no friends, relatives and on top of
all, no job. He has been so caring friend all through my tough times in
this city, he is so mature, so understanding, so trustworthy...a true
Friend : He loves you yaar.
She : I know.
Friend : And you? Don't you love him?
She : I don't want to.
Friend : Don't tell me. You also feel for him.
She : I know yaar. He has everything that I expect in my
dream-life-partner. I know I can never get a true life partner like him.
But I don't want to commit.
Friend : What is stopping you? I really don't understand. When Miya-beevi
are razi kya karega kazi?
She : Please...don't say like that. I never told him that I love him or
something like that.
Friend : Is he a fool not to understand your feelings which are so clear
from outside only? Poor fellow, don't leave him alone.
She : I have told him everything about my family. He knows how orthodox my
parents are. They can never expect me marrying a guy from a different
caste. They trust me. Come what may, I will not hurt my parent's feelings.
I cannot imagine also. Now they are happily searching a guy for me in my
native place.
Friend : Hmm, I don't understand at all.
She : This Saturday I have to go home, a guy is coming to see me.
Friend : Oh! Is it? Good news yaar. Your first interview! Wish you all the
Friend : Any guesses, who is he?
She : Please yaar. I am least bothered and least interested. For the sake
of my parents' happiness I have agreed for this.
Friend : What about the interview, I was expecting your call actually?
She : Nothing so special. I didn't like the guy's attitude. I told my
parents clearly. My parents are very understanding and so they too told me
that they won't go ahead with this matter.
Friend : But still you should have analyzed properly.
She : I shared my views with Nitin. He had called me the next day. He
didn't suggest me anything. He didn't tell me to say "yes" or "no", he
didn't preach what is right or what is wrong. But after talking to him I
was satisfied that whatever decision I took was right.
Friend : Yesterday your mobile was engaged for more than half an hour. I
kept trying, but I slept after 11pm.
She : Yeah, I was talking to Nitin. He is very much worried about my
marriage. He is concerned whether I would get a guy of my choice or not,
whether I would be happy with him or not. I was very sad to know this. But
I am helpless. I pacified him and convinced that whatever my parents do,
that will be the best for me, so no need to worry.
Friend : How Nitin will feel after you get married? Will he not be upset
all the time?
She : Time will change everything. He will start living again. Was he not
leading a normal life before I came into his life? It's all matter of time.
Even I can't do anything other than pacifying him and myself with these
philosophical statements.
Finally " She" got engaged with a guy of her parent's choice (with her
"yes" of course). She is in touch with both Nitin and the new " him"
regularly through chatting in Yahoo Messenger.
Finally " She" got happily married to " him", very soon converting Nitin
into memories, but deleting the memories was slow and almost impossible for
Why do girls do like this?
She needs him when she is new to the city.
She needs his help in finding out a PG or hostel for her
She makes him prepare a good-format-CV for her
She needs him to drop her to the venue of a walk-in interview
She expects him to collect all the consultants' mail ids
She needs him while preparing for the interviews
She needs his help in identifying HER skill sets, strengths and weakness!
She wants him to conduct a mock-interview for her!
She gives her yahoo mail id password so that he can forward her CV to
consultants through internet in his office (in office hours!)
She needs him for boosting her confidence when she fails in the 1 st
written test in her life
She wants him to take her to M.G Road , Brigade Road, Forum and Big bazaar
She needs his company while visiting all the temples in Malleshwaram on
Vijayadashami, though he is not a believer of God.
She asks his opinions on importance of marriage
She wants him to be a shoulder to cry when her parents force her for
She needs his help in preparing her mind for the first interview with a guy
She needs his help in deciding about the marriage proposal
She loves to share her happiness with him when she gets engaged
She expects him to attend her marriage (Come on guys, he is a true friend
of her!)
The guy does all this honestly, without saying a single "No".
He loves her.
He cares for her.
Whatever he is today; it is only because of her entry in to his life.
He treats her as his life.
She changed him.
It is only because of her, he is smiling.
It is only because of her, he has forgotten the past bitter experiences.
She is the first person in his life to influence him so much.
He was the " bhatka hua musafir" and she came as his " manzil".
He threw the cigarette in the dust-bin because of her.
He has cultivated a positive attitude towards marriage and family because
of her.
She is the perfect Indian woman he has ever seen.
He keeps a photo of Lord Krishna in his purse now; only because of her
(also it is her favorite deity!).
Weekends come and go without his notice; it is only because of her.
He stopped going to office on Weekends; it is only because of her.
Onsite project was his dream; he puts all his efforts now, not to get an
onsite assignment but to get a job for her in Bangalore.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The girl depends on the guy as if she never lived and can never live
without him. Guy behaves as if he has taken birth on this earth only to
care for that lady. She treats him as a shoulder to cry and he treats her
as a puppy in a rain storm. She loves to depend and he loves to take care,
finally they fall in so called "love", ultimately adding an unnecessary
trauma to life. Girls want a perfect life partner but they don't want to
hurt their parents' feelings, guys know that they can't get her but still
they want to care for her(because they want her to be happy wherever she is
and with whoever she is).Great! Or shall I say crap!
Or I think no need to be so serious about it.
She gets engaged, life goes on...
Long lasting phone calls become short and sweet, life goes on...
A heart which was used to "Good morning" SMSs learns to be happy with just
the "Happy weekend" SMSs, life goes on...
No more "Unread messages" in the yahoo mail, life goes on...
No one to share coffee at "Barista" at the end of a tiring working day,
life goes on...
No more consultants' calls to be diverted and life goes on...
He starts smoking again, life goes on...
He is still living in flashback, and no looking back for her, but life goes
He gets promoted, he is a manager, she is mother of two kids, and life goes
He is in his late twenties, happily married to a beautiful, understanding,
mature, caring, broad minded wife! Anyway life goes on...
Who knows, among these "Nitin"s someone will come up as "Cheran" (ace
Tamil film director)and make a wonderful movie "My autograph" telling us of
his unsuccessful love stories, or someone will come up as "Sudeep"( Kannada
film actor turned director) who goes to his flashback after seeing this
movie and then decides remaking this movie in Kannada, giving common people
an opportunity to relive their past love-life at least for 3 hours, that
too with their spouses, without any problem! Because there is " She" in
every wife and there is Nitin in every husband (most of the times!). There
are dumb spectators like " Friend" who are puzzled to see the whole episode
between "She" and Nitin and just ask themselves " WHAT IT IS???" .
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
She, He...And a love story
Posted by PAWAN at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: Girls, Love Stories, Stories, Women
A bus conductor
Once there was a bus conductor, who was very rude to his passengers.One day a beautiful young girl, of around 18 years,tried to boardthe bus,but he didn't stop the bus.Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came under the bus and diedon the spot. Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took him to the court.The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him capitalpunishment.He was taken to the electrocution chamber. There was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. Theconductor was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given tohim. But to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set himfree, and he returned to his profession.
After a few months, this time, a good lo! oking middle aged womantried to board the bus but the conductor didn't stop the bus.Unfortunately,this time also, the good looking middle aged woman came under the bus anddied on the spot.Again angry passengers took him to the police station, who in turntook him to the court. The judge took one look at the conductor and gavehimcapital punishment. The Bus conductor was taken to the same electrocutionchamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room anda single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to thechair and high voltage current was given to him. This time also toeveryone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, andhereturned to his profession.
A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board thebus. This time the Bus conductor, remembering his earlier experiences,stoppedthe b! us. Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to hisinjuries. The conductor was taken to the police station and then tothe court, to the same judge. Though he hadn't done anything wrong, butconsidering his past record the judge decided to set an example andgave him capital punishment. The Bus conductor was again taken to the sameelectrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the centerof the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He wasstrapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him.
This timehe died instantly !!!!!!!!!!!
The question is why didn't he die on the first two occasions, but diedinstantly the third time??
Try to solve it yourselves.
This is rather interesting and answer isperfectly logical.
If necessary read the puzzle once again.!
Still you couldn't, Then see below.........
think hardcommon .............
wanna know the answer????
there is the Answer............
During the first two times, the conductor was a Bad Conductor,therefore electricity didn't pass through him. But during the third time,hewas a good conductor, so electricity passed through him freely and he died!!!!!!!!Ha Ha Ha ha !!!!!!!! Obviously you gotta revise your science chapter on Electricity!!
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A bus conductor
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What happens if 1 Rupee = 45 Dollars

Enjoy with Future India after 50 Years.
What happens if 1 rupee = 45 dollars !............ ......... ....
Scene 1:
All are excited... George : Got my Visa yesterday. It's all finalized now.
Posted by PAWAN at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: FUN, HUMOR, INDIA, Rupee Rise, Software engineers
porno poem
John woke up one morning immensely aroused so he turned over to his wife's
side of the bed. His wife, Heather, had already awakened though, and she
was downstairs preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Afraid that he might
spoil things by getting up, John called his little boy into the room and
asked him: 'Bring this note to your beautiful Mummy.' The note read:
The Tent Pole Is Up,
The Canvas Is Spread,
The Hell With Breakfast,
Come Back To Bed.
Heather, grinning, answered the note and then asked her son: 'Bring this to
your silly Daddy.' The note read:
Take The Tent Pole Down,
Put The Canvas Away,
The Monkey Had A Hemorrhage,
No Circus Today.
John read the note and quickly scribbled a reply. Then, he asked his son to
take it back to 'The lady in the kitchen'. The note read:
The Tent Pole's Still Up,
And The Canvas Still Spread,
So Drop What You're Doing,
And Come Give Me Some Head.
Laughing, Heather answered the note and then asked her son to 'Take this to
the poor man upstairs'. The note read:
I'm Sure That Your Pole's
The Best In The Land.
But I'm Busy Right Now,
So Do It By Hand!
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Posted by PAWAN at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Couple Jokes, FUN, HUMOR, Poems