I recently saw a Digg article which linked to a space.com page about the 10 Strangest Things in Space. All but 2 of the items were not pictures at all but computer simulations, or artists impressions. So here to correct this injustice to phenomena everywhere I present the REAL 10 Strangest Things in Space - or at least in my opinion.
V838 Monoceroti Expansion (Hubble)
The Egg Nebula (Hubble)
The Sun in UV (SOHO)
In this video you can make out large flares erupting from the surface and the striking magnetic loops that seem to whirl about them as they go. (Full 512×512 MPEG Here)
Red Square Nebula Nebula
Abell 39 (NOAO)
Saturn’s Rings (Cassini)
The Horsehead Nebula Swallowed Something (SCUBA)
Gomez’s Hamburger (Hubble)
The Solar Spectrum (NOAO)
The Sombrero Galaxy in Infrared (Spitzer)
Oddities in the Orion Nebula (Hubble)
The red glowing is a protostars attempting to burst through and the dark disks are thick dust regions where one day planets may form.
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