KFC is known as "Ken de ji fried chicken" in China.
But you have to wash down your junk-food with some soda pop right? "
Can't beat the real thing"? Oh, but you can...have some Cala Cala.
Or chug-down some Shanghai-Cola (any similarity with other softdrinks is purely coincidental).
Nice logo-work
You're lying on a lounge chair at a white-sand beach. You gaze calmly at a turquoise sea and a clear horizon, the view only interrupted by slanting palm trees and a distant multi-colored sail.
You twist open your Cerono Extra. Ay, que refrescante!
Or, for a quick sugar/caffeine rush you can dunk your cookies in a venti frapuchina from SunBucks..check out the dragon logo.
Yuppie coffee calls for yuppie Rolls Royre cars.. er clothing?
This Polystation comes with a 600+ game cartridge including Mario 1, 2 and 3 (NES) and Turtles 5??
Or a Yontendo..Wee!!
Is that an inflatable Penelope doll or is she just happy to see him? This one might not be a knock-off ;-)
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