We encounter them in everyday life. You yourself, probably own several. But, have you ever considered the various uses of a chair? This article will present to you, ten uses for a standard chair.
1. Sit on it. This is a great way to relieve the stress of tired feet. At the end of a long day, come home and sit down. Sitting, also can be combined with various fun activities such as eating, watching TV, and taking off your shoes. Highly recommended.
2. Stand on it. Can’t reach that top shelf where you stashed that bottle of vodka? Stand on a chair. Chairs have been used to reach things in high places for thousands of years. While the use of this method declined after the invention of the stepladder, its popularity is now making a comeback.
3. Put things on it. If you find yourself without a convenient table on which to put your bag, and you don’t want to put it on the floor, why not rest it on a chair? This cuts your energy usage in half as you only have to bend half way down to pick it up. Get creative, don’t just place objects on the flat seat, drape things across the back too!
4. Use it as a weapon. If you find yourself suddenly in a bar room brawl, or fending off a knife wielding maniac, pick up a chair and hit someone with it. You may have to pay someone for any damage you create, so save this use for self-defence or special occasions.
5. Burn it. Forgot to pay your power bill, and you’re shivering in the dark? Burn a chair. They now provide light and heat. (Make sure you own any chair you are about to ignite.)
6. Use it to jam a door. As seen in the movies, it is possible to wedge the back of a chair under a doorknob to prevent a door from being opened. This is useful for preventing anyone from entering a room that you are in. Be aware that this only works on doors that open inwards.
7. Use it to play practical jokes on your family and friends. Rearrange furniture in the dark. Laugh at the hilarity created when the subject of your practical joke stumbles into them on their way to the bathroom.
8. Throw it out a window. Enjoy one of the perks of being a rock star. Throw a chair out the window to test the trajectory, and see if it’s possible to get the TV in the pool from the tenth floor.
9. Turn it into a vehicle. By attaching wheels, skis, or a hull, you can create a cheap and effective mode of transportation.
10. Use it as a pet. You’ve heard of a pet rock? Why not a pet chair? They are cheap to own, require no food, and need only occasional dusting. What is more, they are quiet, and don’t stink up the house. Despite having four legs, there is yet to be a single case of one running away. So there you go. Ten contemporary uses for the standard chair. If you feel that I have missed anything or wish to contribute your own chair uses and suggestions....
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