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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

3 beautiful and bizarre natural phenomena

clipped from deputy-dog.com

1. the spotted lake

situated in osoyoos, canada, contains one of the highest concentrations of minerals in the world

the pattern you see below appears during hot sunny days as the water evaporates and the minerals crystallize to form hundreds of incredible yellow pools.

2. red tide

the common name for ‘algal bloom’, is caused by high levels of phytoplankton accumulating to form dense, visible clouds near the surface of the water. due to the varying colouring of the phytoplankton’s pigments, these algae blooms range in colour too
this naturally occuring phenomena sometimes results in a high death rate amongst certain marine life

3. penitentes

these amazing ice spikes
can be found on mountain glaciers and vary in size dramatically: from a few centimetres to 5 metres in height
‘initially, the sun’s rays cause random dimples on the surface of the snow. once such a dimple is formed, sunlight can be reflected within the dimple, increasing the localised sublimation.

sources: 1, 2, 3

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