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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Shark in Lawyer's office...hmmm....two of a kind?

clipped from www.thestate.com
It started out as a joke - a lawyer putting a shark tank in his office. "I said, 'What would it take to put a shark in a lawyer's office?'", and it kind of took off from there, said attorney Christopher Gillette.
On Monday, a crane hoisted a 1,000-gallon aquarium up to a second-story window in Gillette's new office.
Gillette plans to fill the saltwater tank with a miniature marine ecosystem, including at least two sharks - a blacktip reef shark being flown in from the Caribbean Sea and a bamboo shark that will be hatched from eggs in the tank.
When the project is complete, people can watch video from wireless cameras inside the tank at http://www.cjgillettelaw.com and http://www.ccaqua.com.
Gillette also plans to install four other fish tanks in the new office, two 72-gallon tanks and two 46-gallon tanks containing coral reefs, star fish and sea urchins.
"People seem to be comfortable with fish."
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